About Me

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My life's purpose is best described by: Be the change you want to see in the world: Gandhi. Smiling is my "botox"-FORGET THE DRUGS AND SURGERY. I spice up my life, not my diet, which is SIMPLY DELICIOUS on its own. KISS: I Keep it simple sugars-from whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic fruits (veggies,some nuts/seeds too). The 811rv motto is: simplicity at mealtime, variety throughout the year. My motto is: I live in my own little world, but it's ok they all know me there. At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.


You know you're an 811 raw vegan when...

Last night I was surfing the net as they say and I came across awesome to be rawsome's blog (reallyraw.com) and she had a post titled "you know you're a raw fooder when..." Anyway, she had some of the funniest posts. I won't reproduce them here since I don't have her permission, but I thought it would be fun to start one of our own. So here goes it for me, please jump in and add your own.

You know you're an 811 raw vegan when:

Your smelly morning poo tells you for sure that you shouldn't have eaten that avocado yesterday...

You expect the question and know the answer like the back of your hand to "Where do you get your protein from?"...

Your dogs are almost, but not quite, as crazy for ripe bananas as you are...

Guys half your age check you out...(hehe, if they only knew I could be their mother)...

You click your tongue inside your head as you watch other people unload their shopping buggies...

You can't wait to check out vegsource everyday to see what your fellow 811ers have to say...

You almost squeal for joy like a little girl at the discovery of a new dragon fruit variety...

Airline security calls in the bomb squad because of the durian you've brought on board and you and your wife are left trying to explain what it is (Sorry Dr. D., but Dr. Klein posted this on his forum and I thought it was too funny not to share)...


Karen :) said...

...you get asked by several people at the grocery store who are eyeing your cart...what are you gonna do with all those bananas? Make pudding? Oh yes, a lot, a lot of pudding! lol

Sarah said...

...you prepare your dinner salad in the largest serving bowl that you own and visitors think you're preparing the family meal.

...the produce staff recognize you and are quickly bringing a case of bananas to your cart when you walk through the doors.

...someone mentions grabbing some fast food for the road, you immediately picture a banana.

...you can taste the salty flavor of celery, but SAD friends think you are absolutely nuts.

...there's more fruit than clothes in your trunk/luggage when you take a trip.

...you have a system in place for making sure you have fruit available in every stage of the ripening process.

...you don't have produce rotting away in the crisper.

...you frequently hear, "Doesn't eating that way ever get boring?" and they don't understand how you can get so excited over that ______ (insert fruit here).

This is such a fun blog. I could go on and on. I love it :)
