About Me

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My life's purpose is best described by: Be the change you want to see in the world: Gandhi. Smiling is my "botox"-FORGET THE DRUGS AND SURGERY. I spice up my life, not my diet, which is SIMPLY DELICIOUS on its own. KISS: I Keep it simple sugars-from whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic fruits (veggies,some nuts/seeds too). The 811rv motto is: simplicity at mealtime, variety throughout the year. My motto is: I live in my own little world, but it's ok they all know me there. At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.


Don't Undersell 811rv

As you know, my journey to 811rv began with an omnivore diet for 38 years, followed by a vegetarian diet for 3 months, followed by a vegan diet for 9 months then 811rv as of May 2007. I have had some slip ups since May of 2007, but I basically have not looked back. I keep moving forward, happier and healthier than ever on 811rv.

Many people ask me about my diet. If I perceive a real interest I'll pass on information. My usual route has been to introduce people to the principle veg authors, in the sequence that I have followed-namely John Robbins, Dr. Campbell and then Dr. Graham. Today, I learned that I have probably been shortchanging 811rv to many of the people that have inquired by presuming that they would follow my own route to 811rv.

How did I learn this?

Six weeks ago, a neighbor, friend and construction worker that has many, many health issues, including a severe addiction to coffee (Hi B, if you're reading this!) was working at my house for some repairs I needed done. B has basically been eating a SAD diet for over 50 years.

He's known about my dietary changes for awhile, although he didn't know the exact details. I teased him, while he was working one day about the scanty amount of fruit he eats. I dared him to have one of my real fruit meals of 7 ripe bananas and several figs. He proceeded to enjoy this meal very much. He showed an openness to try so I lent him all of Dr. Graham's material that I have, including "Grain Damage" and "The 80/10/10 Diet". B, has dived into the diet head first and he's loving every minute of it. He says he's never felt better in his life and many of his health issues are resolving. He says he's not going back to his old diet at all. He even says that he will be giving up a lifetime addiction to coffee before the Christmas holidays!

B is truly inspirational to me and I wish him the best of luck (luck=living under correct knowledge). May the fruit be with you B.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is so cool! I'm glad you were able to share and that he's reaping the benefits already. Amazing!!!
