About Me

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My life's purpose is best described by: Be the change you want to see in the world: Gandhi. Smiling is my "botox"-FORGET THE DRUGS AND SURGERY. I spice up my life, not my diet, which is SIMPLY DELICIOUS on its own. KISS: I Keep it simple sugars-from whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic fruits (veggies,some nuts/seeds too). The 811rv motto is: simplicity at mealtime, variety throughout the year. My motto is: I live in my own little world, but it's ok they all know me there. At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.


Pictures of our trip 3

1) Massada and the Dead Sea.
2) We had lots of fun feeding these tame little fellows some pieces of apple.
3) Dead Sea close-up. It was so weird swimming in this extremely salty water.
4/5/6) Capri, Italy.
7/8) My nephew and I hamming it up at Pisa.
9) My son and Michelangelo's David-identical twins?
10) The beautiful female body as they once were.
11/12) Me at Villa D'este-the most beautiful fountains and Renaissance gardens.

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